Do you ever feel like you're meant for more?
Like there is something deep within,
yet to be explored and unleashed?
The human potential is immeasurable.
Discover your Truest Self and feel free!
Take a class or course & BEcome your best self!
Pick one area to commit to and watch life begin to ignite!
Rest is one component of physical health we need daily, weekly, and quarterly.
Studies show that individuals who incorporate regular routines of intentional rest are more productive, healthier and happier.
A daily habit of 10-60 minutes of intentional quiet time each day
helps balance our overall
physical and mental health.
The relationships we have determine a large portion of our quality of life. If communication is smooth, relationship is harmonious.
On the other hand, if we don't feel heard, understood or respected, relationships can create great pain, stress and confusion.
We offer information and courses to empower you to navigate relationships with peace and certainty.
Sleep can often be the one part of health that seems uncontrollable.
We need 7-9 hours a day to live long healthy lives. This is when our bodies repair, restore and revitalize for a more energized and clear minded day.
We have plenty of helpful tips on how
to get fuller and deeper sleep.
Keeping our bodies moving is a key factor in physical health and it also adds to our mental and emotional health! Just thirty minutes of continual physical activity each day brings health to our hearts, fluid to our joints and circulation to our muscles.
Walking, biking, yoga, hiking, swimming and chair movement are just a few ideas of how you can start.
What we fuel our bodies with determines the energy we will be able to utilize for the tasks and projects we want to accomplish.
There are a variety of food choices and no one plan fits everyone.
We have a variety of tips for determining what types of clean foods and liquids will fuel your body's unique needs best.
There are a vast array of vitamins and supplements to choose from, but how do you know which ones are helpful for your personal needs?
We share information on the most beneficial supplements for the various and different needs of individuals.
We are always researching and share with you our latest finds, deals, and recommendations.
Meditation is a discipline traced back to many ancient cultures. It has been developed by various cultures in slightly differing ways, with a similar goal: Peace.
To BE STILL and KNOW you are held together and loved by something far greater than the mind can comprehend; to transcend the physical and mental state of suffering and connect the spirit to eternal light, life and love.
Read a blog, take a class, and join a community of seekers & believers!
When our innermost self feels connected and at rest, we can seem to float through life's circumstances with peace, contentment and joy.
Being still, seeking, asking, and waiting are a practice that brings the ability to rest and trust the journey, regardless of uncertainties or unforeseen circumstances.
We provide blogs, guided meditations, contemplative prayer, and online courses to deepen and strengthen your
spiritual journey.
Essential oils are a great staple for boosting your immune system, healing wounds, enhancing your personal hygiene and self care routines.
They also keep your home feeling
fresh and peaceful.
We share over 12 years
experience and research!
You'll learn how to use essential oils, which ones to use, and some fun homemade recipes. We even help you get started with the highest grade oils to start feeling your best right away!